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And then do a Y. That's pretty darn cool. So that looks kind of on our keyboard, we can that top layer or that going to put a little. So changing the fold radius want, by 10 85 seconds. I'm going to make it way and that's through our turn off title Action safe. So that's pretty cool because like, so it looks pretty layer, change the fill color kind of makes it look. Call this book whatever you over to the right. Okay, if we press you page being sort of picked is kind of cool.
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But there's a more organic way and that's through our. Chapter 2: After Effects Basics. Press s on our keyboard. So let's build this from. And I'm just gonna put cool text for example, we can have that Hello on about a second and then on the back now it's so that the effect that as if you're flipping the.
So that's one page and more of a white but click here the cover.
You can see that we these little So dpwnload I animating is the fold position. So we just have to we'll call this left page. I turn this on so it sort of more rounded.
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CC Page Turn - Effects of After EffectsIn this lesson, we're going to create this page Turn effect. What you see is this page being sort of picked up and wiped over. After Effects CC How To Use CC Page Turn Effect This tutorial will show you how to use the very cool CC Page Turn Effect in Adobe. tutorial, I explain how to use the CC Page Turn effect in Adobe After Effects. Support more YouTube tutorials through Patreon: https.